Amari Love Mind Body Spirit Healing

Recovery Support Articles

How to Meditate to Heal Chronic Health Conditions


As you go forward along this recovery journey out of any chronic health condition, the most powerful thing that will begin to transform your life is listening to RESTFUL MEDITATIONS.

There are many different types of meditations in the world, but these ones are specifically designed to help you get some much needed rest.

I have put several on this page for you, and links to more. These restful meditations are incredibly restorative for energy levels and for lessening symptoms.

As you probably know, most people with chronic complex conditions are not getting the benefit of good sleep or decent rest, so this is really needed.

I know from personal experience that during a chronic illness, even when we sleep, we wake up feeling just as bad, or worse, than before. So trust me, this will transform your life, just as it did for me.”

So please know that these meditations shared below will help, no matter how severe your condition is currently.


You can sit or lie down and just close your eyes. 

You don't have to do anything. 

You don't have to try. 

You don't have to "get it". 

Just be there. Just listen.

Note: If you cannot sit or lie down at the moment and you believe you cannot meditate, see the bottom of this page.

💗 Meditation Introduction Video 💗 from Amari

💗  This resource is especially for you 💗 

No rush to do them all… you can try out different ones on different days.

💗 Focus Breathing 💗 Meditation by Amari – 10 minutes

This is a gentle breathing meditation for you.

Best experienced with headphones as it has sound healing to help your nervous system.

Press play and close your eyes.

For more meditations made especially for you by Amari Love, visit the youtube playlist of Restful Meditations (you can save the link to notes)

And here are some meditations she recommends for you to try:

“Remain as You Are” Meditation by Mooji – 10 minutes

Mooji is a Jamaican spiritual teacher who was based in Brixton, London for many years. He became known as the Buddha of Brixton for that reason. Now he lives in an ashram in Portugal.

See how you get along with him.

A guided meditation is here for you of 10 minutes.

“Be The Witness” Meditation by Ram Dass – 18 minutes

In this meditation, you are invited to sit with what is – with the mind, the feelings, the body, and the sounds around you…

… Like leaves drifting down a river, let thoughts and sensations arise, exist, and move on without trying to alter or make sense of them.

“The Happiness of Being” Meditation by Rupert Spira – 20 minutes

In this guided meditation on happiness, Rupert Spira:

“… brings us to rest back into the simple and inherently peaceful experience of being aware.”

Note on creating a step change:

See the guidance here on adding Structured Rests to your days. This way of resting with meditations will help you create a big shift or “step change” in a matter of days or weeks.

Note on agitation:

“But I can’t lie down or sit down. I can’t meditate or rest”

If it is too hard to lie down or sit still at the moment because you are feeling very agitated and frenetic (in fight / flight) then try listening to the meditations linked to whilst moving around gently – doing gentle stretches, or slow body movements, or gently walking around the place where you are.

See if you can do this “moving whilst listening” to start with.

You will find your nervous system can adjust to this if you go gradually.

You will be able to gently build up to some sitting ones, and then eventually some lying down ones.

Well done.

💗 Thank you for being here 💗