Sharpe Love Health Coaching




Becky’s coaching has had a profound impact on my journey.

Within just a few weeks of coaching, I experienced a significant positive shift in various aspects of my life.

Becky is straightforward, clear, direct, and sweet all at once. She is validating and non-judgmental, making her the ideal coach.

I’ve learned that possibilities are endless, and I’ve witnessed positive changes in both my mind and body.

The sessions were moments of truth, freshness, sunshine, and happiness. While we delved into challenging topics, I can confidently say that after each session, I felt lighter, more focused, and aligned. My back pains significantly diminished, highlighting the interconnectedness of the mind and body.

Becky’s holistic approach to personal growth ensures you become a better version of yourself with each session.

Thank you, Becky, for everything.


Preiya Dovel

France, 2023