Amari Love Mind Body Spirit Healing

Meet Amari

I love to splash in the sea like a kid. 

I love the mellow evening sunshine.

I love to work.

I love to play more. 

I love Matisse paintings.

I love animals, especially longhaired rabbits.

Since recovering from years bedbound and housebound, I find that I love to be in nature and to know that I am nature.

I enjoy making ceramics, painting and creating things.

I enjoy wandering about, listening to music, and meditating.

I live a peaceful life full of joy, feeling the warm sand under my feet next to the ocean.

Meet Amari Video

You can watch this video below to “meet me” – I am having my morning coffee outside and introducing myself (captions available):

Throughout my life I was always on a quest for something; when it wasn’t for something to help the pain or discomfort, it was a quest for love and connection or it was a quest for meaning… the meaning of life.

I was an artist, a filmmaker, a photographer, a coach to actors and creatives, and then I became a mother. Through all of these “labels” I was a workaholic, a perfectionist, a high achiever, and a people pleaser.

And as I never felt good enough, I tried to do more, and then more, and then even more… but it never worked… I couldn’t achieve the goal of love and connection or the goal of understanding why I was here. No matter how hard I tried.

And now that I have fully regained my health (I am one hundred percent recovered, or as I like to say “150%”), I finally do feel connected and I begin to understand the meaning of it all. And I find that joy comes naturally.

If you would like to find out more, please feel free to click here to read the whole story of how I recovered.

How I can help

In my work I specialise in Mind, Body, Spirit Healing now.

For so many years, I was in a dark place and I couldn’t even see HOW to begin to get out of it. So as I began to find my way into the light – step by step, I felt a strong call to turn back and hold out a hand for anyone who was stuck in darkness.

So I have begun to share information for your recovery journey in the free resources articles. You may be suffering a multitude of symptoms and not know what to do, so I created an article with a list you can copy called the “First Steps“.

You can also join me for short, easy tips on Instagram where I share videos to help you and I share my story, so that you can see the world (even if you are stuck indoors)

Thank you for reading this.

I am glad that you are here.

Be gentle and kind to yourself.

Tip: copy this bit to your notes and click on the “First Steps” link above every day to get started.


My Qualifications

I have trained in Mind Body Spirit Healing, studying both “top down” and “bottom up” techniques. 

My offering includes a deep understanding of Nervous System Healing, TMS, Emotional Release work, Inner Child Connection, Brain Training, Somatic Healing and Experiencing, Parts Work, Emotional Freedom Technique, and TRE.  

I have been enjoying this recovery life, travelling the world and studying in-person under world-renowned healers and teachers.

Some of the recent teachers are Kristin Neff, Brene Brown, Gabor Mate, Betsy Polatin, Peter Levine and Bobby McFerrin (yes, the “Don’t Worry, Be Happy” singer). 

For many years I have been a student of Ram Dass, Thich Nhat Hahn, Mooji and Ramana Maharshi, amongst other spiritual teachers and guides (these teachings and learnings continue).


My background, my approach and my understanding of chronic health conditions means that I can help.

You don’t have to “get to a certain stage” of your healing journey before we begin together.

There is a lot of confusion in the world of chronic health.

I decided early on to find the answers and to keep clear of confusion. 

It is an honour to share the understanding.


The Last Bit

Well done for making it here!

Can you give yourself the message of worthiness. Because you are worthy.

Just as you are, right now, in this moment.

Oh, and by the way:

💗 Is it time for a reward for all this hard work on recovery yet? 💗