Amari offers Mind Body Spirit Healing and Coaching internationally after her own recovery from decades of ME / CFS and Cancer, and then LongCovid.
The Mind Body Spirit approach is a way to address your whole system.
The sessions with Amari will empower you through techniques, exercises, and tools that you can use, no matter your current level of severity.
For a long time now, you have probably been taken over by dis-ease.
This work will lead to you feeling Ease, and often will lessen symptoms from the very first session.
Sessions to begin with are 60 minutes and take place on zoom (it’s okay if you want to do shorter sessions to start with, and you can be in your home, propped on the sofa or in your bed).
If you wish, you can do a short discovery call as the first step for a no-pressure chat, or if talking is not possible – for a no-pressure “spend time” together.
Through the coaching sessions, Amari can help you make immediate improvements and guide you out of symptoms.
It soon becomes safe to start to feel optimistic about how your life is going to be, to begin to hope.
Life with any illness is hard, but life with ME / CFS and other chronic complex conditions is on a level that words can hardly describe.
In response to this, Amari shares practical support here on this website for free that will help – no matter how severe your condition is.
Sessions are for people who are facing many challenges and symptoms, including fibromyalgia, pots, chronic anxiety, depression, brain fog, memory issues, chronic pain, orthostatic intolerance, IBS, chronic fatigue, ME / CFS, LongCovid, and more.
Sessions are trauma-informed and are personalised to your needs.
Thank you for being here and giving your time and energy to read these words.
If you would like to know more, you might like to click here to meet Amari.
You are so welcome here.