Amari Love Mind Body Spirit Healing

Testimonials for Amari



“Before LongCovid I was a marathon runner and a television producer. I was living a full and busy life with my family in Berlin.

Then I became bedbound with LongCovid. I had every treatment for over a year, from bloodwashing to brain training, and I was in the intensive care unit for a period of time.

Nothing can be worse than this condition. So when I saw Amari on a youtube channel I had my first session with her and my journey started to change.

Before that I was always in a lot of stress. The biggest stress after Covid was to recover as quick as possible. I was always thinking “I have to recover, I have to recover!” and that put even more stress onto my system.

During sessions, I feel very supported and understood. I feel like I am talking to someone who has experienced exactly what I am going through. This deep understanding is very helpful and healing.

Amari is very loving and is also very clear and precise. She addresses things precisely so that you know what you can do.

From the first session, I was able to find the root cause of my condition and release some underlying stressors and emotions.

Sometimes sessions are very spiritual. One time Amari guided me and I could see a lot of light and then I was full of light. The light and the good feeling felt endless. This session was a long time ago, but I’m feeling this healing light still.

Today I don’t take a single medication and I never will again. I can ride a bike, go for a walk in the woods, play basketball with my son, jump on the trampoline. I can lie outside on the grass and feel good without doing anything. I’m free to travel with friends and go out for dinner …

My recovery journey has been very fast in the last three months. Because of you, Amari. 🙏🙏🙏”

Hendrik S – Berlin, Germany


“During sessions with Amari Love, there is practical advice, tailored to you and your level of recovery, from an experienced coach who understands what it is like to go through this on a deep emotional level. 

Most important for me is Amari’s LOVING care. It is the foundation of my recovery.

After a recent session I felt 100% free of the symptoms that had been plaguing me, so much better. Like magic!!

When I started with Amari a few short months ago, I felt stuck and unclear as to what to do to recover. My fear was keeping me there, I needed support to gain confidence that recovery even was possible at this stage. 

I had tried other things, such as brain retraining courses, which on their own were not enough.  I needed Amari’s mind, body and spirit approach and her support/guidance during the process of recovery.

In coaching and healing sessions I always feel I can say anything to Amari.  No inhibitions and no worry of being judged or offending (well, not much on my part anyway :). Just empathy. 

There is a lightness about Amari, an absence of pressure.  Everything is soothing – I feel nurtured. 

Amari is firm and clear in the direction taken in sessions – but there is no stress, in fact the opposite.

I always feel a lift in mood as soon as I spot Amari’s smiling face. The sessions are great fun, like chatting to a good friend. 

We do the work together and I feel better afterward. Over time my stress levels have reduced and my system has settled.

Now I find that I am more in touch with my feelings and aware of old negative beliefs. I am learning to be kind to myself. 

I am not saying that change is easy; of course, the road to recovery can be a bit bumpy. But I am finding that the further I walk along this road, I leave behind symptoms and a painful chronic health condition, and I walk further into increasing joy, connection and love.

Life just gets better and better.”

Lexy S – Wimbledon, England


“The coaching with Amari has been the biggest support during a time of huge change when I really needed someone to be there for me who was solely there to help and guide me. Amari offered me that support and feeling of being held and safe.

Before starting the coaching I felt anxious, overwhelmed, like a dark cloud was covering me and my life and no matter what I did I couldn’t seem to get out of it. I wanted to be happy. To be able to be myself and feel happy with that.

I had tried other things that didn’t help and then with this coaching I felt different after the 1st session. I felt seen and supported and like there was hope.

Amari is strong but soft and she helps me to feel that I am a priority and that I am worth investing in. She has helped me see parts of myself I haven’t been able to see and offered them a safe space to come to the surface.

She is open and vulnerable with me and offers me strong guidance. I am learning to find my own voice and what it is I need and want – and her support has allowed me to do that

Each session is different but I always feel like they are exactly what I need in that moment: I feel like I get a lot of insight.

Working with my inner child I feel big emotional and physical shifts which I notice impact my life, thoughts and actions after the sessions.

Surprisingly, the coaching is fun… Which I find so beautiful because each session is deep – I feel a lot, I hurt a lot sometimes but I have laughed so much with Amari who I trust and it feels like spending time with a friend.

I feel completely seen and supported as I am, even the parts of myself I didn’t like and didn’t accept, which has been so healing.

I have travelled the world and seen and experienced a lot, but working with Amari and getting to go inside myself and find my heart is the most amazing, beautiful, fun, fulfilling experience I’ve ever had.

I am now literally watching myself and my life change through working with Amari – I feel like a butterfly.

I have never felt this happiness or freedom before and it’s just the beginning.

I am feeling joy, happiness, and music. I’m less anxious and for the first time ever I feel ALIVE


Angelica S – London, England


“Amari’s coaching has had a profound impact on my journey.

Within just a few weeks of coaching, I experienced a significant positive shift in various aspects of my life.

Amari is straightforward, clear, direct, and sweet all at once. She is validating and non-judgmental, making her the ideal coach.

I’ve learned that possibilities are endless, and I’ve witnessed positive changes in both my mind and body.

The sessions were moments of truth, freshness, sunshine, and happiness.

While we delved into challenging topics, I can confidently say that after each session, I felt lighter, more focused, and aligned. My back pains significantly diminished, highlighting the interconnectedness of the mind and body.

Amari’s holistic approach to personal growth ensures you become a better version of yourself with each session.

Thank you, Amari, for everything.”

Preiya D – Marseilles, France


“Hey Amari,

Thank you for checking in. It actually jogged my memory about an experience I had last night.

I was having a kind of restless night and coming in and out of sleep but at one point I woke myself up quite suddenly by needing to cough.

Immediately I was filled with this paralysing horror that I had the Corona virus and was probably going to die.

I can’t even describe how crazy my mind was going imagining the worst and my heart was pumping with adrenaline, but then I thought about the breathing exercise we had done.

So I took a few deep breaths and instantly felt myself growing calmer.

By bringing my mind back into the present I was able to disengage myself from the overriding panic.

I realised that my body felt healthy and strong in that moment and, what my mind was playing out for me, was based on fear rather than reality.

After a few more breaths my heartbeat slowed and I was calm enough to fall asleep again. 

Anyway, I wanted to say thank you for giving me the breathing technique.

I feel very up and down with my thoughts and feelings surrounding this time we’re living through, but staying in the present, which I do find incredibly hard, is one of the most helpful ways I have found of keeping myself less anxious. 

Take care and see you soon”

Abra H – Forest Row, UK


“The sessions felt very intimate. Amari is honest and encouraging in her approach. I feel that I can always fully trust her feedback. In each session, Amari gave space for reflection and appraisal which was very beneficial. It always feels that Amari is rooting for you…

I have started using the techniques from the sessions when my internal chatter starts to get loud or I start feel insecure. It has helped to ease anxiety and quiet my inner critic!”

Julie C – Ireland


“The coaching helps me remove the corporate mask I have worn in the past… In some professions, we suppress our emotions and thus wear a mask.

However, acting is not like any other profession, the beautiful art that we love.

I have found that by doing sessions regularly with Amari, it helps me become emotionally naked and vulnerable.

One of the Amari’s strong attributes is she helps you relax, be in the moment and access your emotions.

Looking forward to continuing the journey.”

Ravi S – Actor in London, UK


“Amari Love – you’re an absolute JOY to work with.

I feel like in such a short time of knowing you you’ve been stamping out my life-long bad behaviours (like putting myself down or being negative) and building my confidence and technique with each session.

You’re the “stage mom” I never had.

So basically… thank you!!”

Yulia K – Actress in London, UK


“Amari has this incredible aura where she is very straightforward and to the point of what you need to do and how to do it. Amari is also very insightful and I truly believe she knows what she is doing.

A very talented person who truly cares about the people she coaches. Inspirational and worth going to her sessions, she is truly dedicating her time and helping us in what we need in order to achieve our dreams. Thank you so much Amari, I really appreciate it. I do hope to see you soon, much love!” 

Sahar T – Actress in Manchester, UK