Amari Love Mind Body Spirit Healing

Recovery Support Articles

Soothing Music and Sound Healing


Here is a playlist of soothing music and sound healing for you (bottom of page).

There are are quite a few tracks on this playlist and some of the pieces are an hour or even two hours, so you can use different pieces for rests or for meditation or self-soothing.

Note: If you are severe and you haven’t been able to tolerate music – one of these gentle forms of sound healing may be able to ease you back into new frequencies. Just take it very gently.

How does Sound Healing work?

We already know that music affects us deeply. We can change our mood by playing different types of music – from rap, to sad lovesongs, to uplifting funky stuff: we respond emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually.

The vibrations in music and sound affect us on a neurological, physiological and biochemical level. These frequencies that I am sharing in this playlist resonate with us on a cellular level, and can put us into a relaxed, dream-like state.

We are made of vibrations and frequencies. So at a very deep level, these frequencies will help with healing. This playlist can be used during rests, or to play in the background to soothe you.

The why: Why does certain music and sound healing affect us so strongly? It is because when our brains get exposed to a specific frequency, it can cause the brainwaves to actually change in response. With these pieces I have put in the playlist, the frequency response of our brainwaves can become slower and more balanced as we listen.

That’s enough science for one day!

Try the Youtube soothing music playlist for yourself with the link I am sharing 💗

You can click play to hear the music or you can click the list icon in the top right of the player to show you all the tracks to choose from.

Well done for reading this page.

(you can save it to your tabs or copy the web address to notes, so you can come back later)

💗 I am proud of you 💗